Monday, April 26, 2010


everytime i say people will change according to enviroment but i still prefer to be myself a honest,talkative,playful and QL tio. But now i change my mind coz sometime honest is not wat people wan to hearr, wat they wan is to hear wat they wan to listen. If u say things they wan to hear they will be very happy. if u honest telling ur opinion they will treat it as a shit!!! a shit they will always hate!!! finally i know is time to change myself a person who can tell lies and never say out wat u think in ur heart!!! i learnt a important lesson from here. Is a lesson that u always cant learn beside from ur friends.:)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


i like ghost story very much but my dad always tell me if u saw it just pretend u dun see it n dun talk to it!!!today i tell the ghost story that ah kwan sister(driving car n saw ghost at behind the car)then my friend freak out n he not dare to go home alone so i have to sleep at his house!! i tell tis story is at subang jaya n about 130 in the morning!! juz come back from one of the friends house!! my tis friend go NS n he is a scout who got go jungle n training but he still scare!! haizzz if can meet(it) early jiu meet lia in NS or in jungle!! haha so funnny lah my friend!! he is nice n steady but now i know his weakness that is cant talk ghost story in front of him!!! so are u do as same as him?? give comment!! my friend say if gf stuck with the ghost he will do everything!! do u think he will????

Thursday, October 8, 2009

smile can hide everything

the final test is coming!! damn stress right now!! tis few day i try to smile as much as i could but something i cant hide is my true feeling! i tis few day i always sad but i try to smile n i did it!! nodoby know that i am sad!! mayb i too tired n feel wan to have a loud cry to unstress myself but i could not coz i wan be a true guy!! guy should not cry easily!! i dun know wat will happen to me if i fail my AS!! i try to study hard but sometimes study hard wont gurantee u get a good result!! tis is wat i scare the most!! once i think i got bad result i feel wan to cry!! i think i reali fell that feeling that y people cry when they get bad result coz they reali put effort n time to studybut they still didnt achieve wat they wan!! now i try to push myself until limit,i use all the time on study but i got a kind of feeling that i will dissappoint myself tis time!! seriously tis is my 1st time got tis feeling but i hope is not true!!! i reali dun wan think about it but i think i should made a worst preparation that i will get bad result!! people study before is too late!! u can change everything the matter is u wan or dun wan to make a change!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

happy and unhappy memory!!

in tis friday i did something that i never thought in my life that is donate blood!!!
tis is my 1st time donate blood i felt scare n nervous like billion n million of butterfly in my stomacH!! but i still did it!! i tell u all the needle is damn big lo!!! finally i did something that is meaningful in my life!!

tis year the lantern festival i celebrate wit my selangor's friends n their family!! thx jennie!! but on the way to her house i nearly cant see u all again luckly(mee kuan) has a good driving skill to avoid accident n i thx for her that i still can eat moon cake!! at that time i thought tis is the end of my life n i wan sream out but my mumdun let me scream out if i scream out i will going down the car n walk back to subang jaya from klang!! haizzz dun wori i still safe!!

today is a bad day for me!! when i clean my room i accidently cut my finger n a lot of blood came out!! i felt pain n i suddenly felt wan to go home!! at here when bleeding dun have medicine apply on it,no people will care u, no have love from parent!! at here i feel that i growing up to another of me!! at old school i never study n treat everything is easy n did everything unseriously!! now i know i need to study n learn to study n treat things seriously!! when parent is not around u, u will know that the most important thing in ur life in the moment u share with ur family n friends!! u miss them playing n telling jokes wit u!! when i young my parent always hit me wit the cane n the most horribles things i remenber is my mum use the broom stick n hit on me n i get cut n until now the scar still remain on my left hand!! but now i know they hit me really is for my own good so that i will study!! they dun wan me follow their life wake up at 6 n doing work until 6pm!! the work is hard n need to bring all the menbers of the family to work!! we only have holiday when is chinese new year the only day whole family menber no need work!! i know that my parent always tell me to study hard coz they wan us to have good life in ur future n they never thought us wan to pay them back!! my parent always never say but i know they felt guilty to us coz they never brings us to anywhere for holiday not like others children!! sometime when i get bad result i felt guilty to them!! n i also remenber wat my mum say to me before i take my UPSR!! she say(u thought we really wan to hit u wit cane,u know when we hit u our heart is bleeding!! which parent wish to hit their own children!! SHE ASK ME!!)at that moment i felt sad n my heart got a feeling that really cant say out!! when i study in primary 5 i never do homework n my parent find out, my dad just hit me wit the cane without stop n everypart of my body have bruise!! i cry. i tell myself i hate my dad!! n at midnight he came to my room n apply medicine on me!! i too tired i dun feel it!! my brother tell me when i wake up in next morning!! until now i still remenber that scene but something i wan to change is i love u dad!!! wat i have today is all u give n teach me!! althought i not born in rich family but i can feel the love from the family!! i wan say sori to my dad n mum wat i did in the past!! i promise i will try my best in the final AS to repay u!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

an unhappy day

haizzz in my life there so much un predict things so cham!! in tis friday i got a bio praticle test but so un lucky i have same lab wit my dearest friemd!! wah damn happy lah i am!! untill my tear roll down!! haha dun know wat to say!! i think my tear can flow from selangor until johor!! plus the red (thing) which shirley always remind me!! haizzzz so cham y i only the pm8 share class wit pm9!! yyyyy in my life so many miracle happen on me!! i wan change lab!! i think tis is all have been decide by god which i need to go throught all tis unlucky day!! i will try to finish my lab very fast n quickly run away if can!! but i think i cant coz i always do very slow b wrong somemore!! haizz i only hope is dun share table wit her n also the microscope!! i hope everythings is just a dream n i hope i can wake up now!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A tulan day

tis is my 1st time write blog!!! so if any mistake plz correct urself!!

today wake up at 7 n eat breakfast at 12.30!! u see tis is my life wit bs dik!! he very gau tu wan lo!! call him brush teeth from 11 to 12 then he finally go brush teeth,haizzz he usually like that wan so u know how miserable my life at here!!

beside that, yesterday eat pig leg mihun n today eat zhu rou fen, everyday pig pig pig!! haizzz i think i day i will look like pig lo!! everytime tou hope bs dik dun come but he still come i dun why tis thing happen in me i think all of tis is punishment from god by sending an evil n kuai lan the people n disturd me!! wat actually i have done n i got tis karma!!!!! yaaaaaaalaaaaaah!!!

eveyone i just finish my few trialsss n i think tis time also fail wan lo!! damn sad lah but i think sudah biasa lah!!! fail only mah plus i still got final!! who knows i can get good result hahaha!!

n an important thing i miss pontian the friend!! but i dun misss the girl got aunty look the people lo!! breakup only mah sad like got people die!! cheh find a new wan lah such as w___on!! fill in urself if u know!! they look very compatible!!!!!!!!!!!

wahhhhh the whole day from bs dik come to my house he pinch me whole dayyy lo!! damn sakit leh!! i macam born to tis whole untuk dia cubit saja!! some more he using me to train to pinch people using the leg's finger!! wahhh also sakit lo!!! i everyday tou hope bs dik go back pontian n cuti!! pluss go dating wit his CC lah!!

i will be back at tis sunday so i will meet u all tis sunday!!! yeahhhhh